Monday, October 20, 2008

Important Interview Questions


A)Warm-up questions:

  • What made you apply for this position?

  • How did you hear about this job-opening?

  • B)Personality /Self-assessment Questions:

    • Tell me about yourself.

    • What is your academic background?

    • What is important about the place you come from?

    • Why are you interested in this offer?

    • What are your strenghts and weaknesses?

    • How can you contribute to this company?

    • Where do you hope to be in five years?

    • What interests you most about this position?

    • What five adjectives describe you best?

    • Why should I consider you for this position?

    • You've changed jobs frequently.How do we know you'll stick around?

    • What personal qualities do you think are necessary to make a success

      of this job?

    • How would you describe yourself as a person?

    • Brief yor greatest achievements to date and why?

    • What things give you the greatest satisfaction at work?

    • What things frustrate you the most? How do you usually
      cope with them?

    C)Education Related Questions:

    1. What is the relation between your education and this job?

    2. What extracurricular activies were you involved in?

    3. What activities did you enjoy the most?

    4. Why did you choose your major?

    5. In what courses did you get the worst grades and why?

    6. How long have you been looking for a job?

    7. Give me an example of a problem you've had at school and how you

      solved it?

    D)Career Goal Related Questions:

    1. Tell me what success means to you?

    2. What does failure mean to you?

    3. What was your favourite job?why?

    4. Who do you think are our institution's major competitors?

    5. Why do you quit the present job?

    6. What do you know about our firm?

    7. What do you do when you've trouble with your job?

    8. Do you consider yourself successful?

    9. What have you done that you are proud of?

    10. How do you set goals for yourself?

    11. What motivates you?

    12. How does this job fit in with your career goals?