
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Utility to clear Cookies Temporary Internet Files Temp files Windows History etc.

History Cleaner :: Utility to clear Reent Documents, TEMP files, Cookies and More.... Wih a Single Mouse Click!!

Welcome to My History Cleaner utility.This uilty will help you to clear the following history items in your system.
Internet Explorer Typed URL
Current User Temp Files
Recent Documents
Temporary Internet Files
Start Menu..Run
Windows History
Windows Temp Folder
Windows File Search

Basically there is no installation required. Just Run 'HistClean.exe'and the executable will create a folder under the Program files called HistClean and the History Cleaner.exe(The Main executable)will be extracted to that folder.
For Uninstallation, just remove the HistClean Dirctory mentioned above and that's it.

Getting Started:
Run HistClean.EXE. You'll be presented with a Message Box to read the help file.Click yes to read it.Or no to run the Main executable(History Cleaner.exe).
By Clicking the System Tray icon, you may quit this utility or click the close Button to quit.
You don't need to run HistClean.exe more than once.HistClean.exe is only an extractor of the main executable and it's associated files to the Program Files folder.

You may download my program from here.Please click the following link to download it.
Download HistClean
Download Histclean